Position Summary:
The GBMP will spend a large portion of their time focusing on the home-place compound but will also be asked to assist in the agricultural program from time to time on a beautiful 3,000-acre Ranch with mountain views. The GBMP shall be responsible for all the general maintenance/upkeep/repair and for all the on-site facilities located on ranch. Heavy emphasis on landscaping, roads, and sprinkler systems, located on the home-place compound. This position is hands-on and will be required to work independently while sticking to established schedules and project timelines.
The GBMP’s immediate supervisor is the Ranch Manager and the GBMP will be responsible for supervising vendors. The GBMP needs to be available and open to personal requests from the owners, prepared to troubleshoot, and resolve emergent after-hours maintenance issues and repair.
The GBMP needs to be a self-sufficient, trustworthy, principled individual that possesses interpersonal skills and teamwork mindset. The GBMP must maintain the highest standards of organization and neatness regarding the visual appearance of ranch vehicles, infrastructure, and the natural landscape.
High-quality housing, utilities, and nice ranch truck!
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address.
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Montana Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Groundskeeping Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Technician Jobs