Thank you for looking! Come and live in the forested mountains in a private valley.
Full time position, starting immediately
- 1600 square foot caretakers house
- 2 residences
- Barn and other out buildings
- 2 horses, 2 donkeys, 1 goat. Lots of chickens
- 50 acre private lake
We need a very handy couple to look after our 850 acre private land holding.
Duties include building maintenance, trails maintenance, animal care, equipment maintenance, housekeeping after owners have left.
Skills required include chain saw operation, tractor and bulldozer operation and animal care
Ideal for retired military or law enforcement
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address.
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Idaho Ranch Jobs, Washington Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Housekeeping Jobs, Private Ranch Jobs, Ranch Caretaker Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs for Couples / Teams, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Manager Jobs, Ranch Supervisor Jobs, Ranch Technician Jobs, Resort / Recreational Ranch Jobs