JPJ Rockies
The Plan:
$11,000 in total bonuses related to three phases of the proposed plan.
Time is of the essence, anxious to move west.
Have equine farm with 50 horses on 132 acres.
Need a person, or working couple, (NON SMOKERS) that is an all around handy skilled person that can perform maintenance, repairs and clean the property and has some ability to work with the horses, if a working couple she will probably specialize in handling the horses.
I will be putting the farm in NE Texas for sale, as soon as it is prepped to market. The plan is to move to AZ (possibly CO, NV or UT) and build a new farm, on irrigated acreage, in the mountains above Scottsdale/the valley.
- prep the current facilities, land and horses for marketing
- sell current farm, probably as a turn key operation
- move west and locate a temporary facility for the horses until the new farm is constructed
- purchase raw land and build all new facilities plus install an irrigation system
- move the horses into the new farm and live happily ever after
In the past, I have totally built two new farms in CO and TX and look forward to the future and final adventure.
Permanent position, live on site.
This is a private facility, no horses boarded-closed farm. Horses are in pastures grazing as they should, very rare to lock a horse in a stall.
Proper gentle care of animals is a necessity.
PRIMARY MAINTENANCE & REPAIR DUTIES: repair fencing, welding and straightening damaged gates and panels, cutting about 15 dead oak trees, removing stumps, mowing pastures with 15 foot batwing shredder, weed eating fence lines, tractor/loader operating, correcting water soil erosion, cleaning barns/stalls, power washing all facilities, minor carpentry, electrical and plumbing, general mechanical and maintenance repairs on equipment { NOTE: I do not possess mechanical/maintenance abilities}.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Living area includes all utilities, appliances, heat and A/C, high speed internet, new 42" TV with 250 channel Dish TV. Space is limited – room for children is limited. No 24 hour outside dogs, (smaller inside dog and/or cat are probably acceptable…my 2 year old Catahoula herds the horses and runs off the varmints at night, this is his domain), closed farm-no outside or boarded horses. Very quiet facility with a 1/3 mile long driveway and a locked.
Phone calls preferred vs emails.
Jeff P. Jorgenson
Website: http://jpjrockiesranch.com
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Administrative/Operations Jobs, All Ranch Jobs, Equestrian Ranch Jobs, Horse Care / Training Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs for Couples / Teams, Ranch Manager Jobs