Jessica & Robert A.
Husband and wife team looking for a ranch job. Looking for housing provided, ok with kids and pets. Ok with remote locations, we have experience with remote living. Husband is a Marine Veteran with experience with operating heavy equipment, logging, public works, archery, shooting ranges (prior military range instructor), big game hunting, fishing (fresh & salt water), waterfowl hunting, upland hunting, moderate experience with livestock and horseback riding.
Wife has experience with livestock, horseback riding, animal husbandry, retail, customer service, accounting, bookkeeping, hunting, archery, fishing, cooking etc.
Willing to relocate in the US. Non-smoking, non-drinking, no drugs couple looking to continue our lifestyle, not just a paycheck. Please email or contact by phone for more information. We can provide rental references, personal references, work references, pet references etc.
Willing to Relocate to states: Oregon, California, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Tennessee
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Seeking Ranch Job