Gary W.
My name is Gary W., 37 years old, married man with small family.
Born and raised on a cow/calf outfit in Eastern OR. By the old school buckaroo, low stress cattle handling. Ran Cattle in OR, ID, NE, CA and NV from rawzin jaw to bronco man from lead off, to cow boss, feedlots, pen rider and fat shipper. Worked big outfits from 8,000 to small family places of 600 head.
Efficient with crew and cattle to BLM / Forest service Utilization, rotational grazing and herd health. Experience in all aspects of fencing and small shop skills as welding and heavy equipment to a team and wagon.
Dependable, honest, self starter with common sense and good horsemanship. Great with crew or solo. My wife was also ranch raised in remote country and a good hand herself. My two boys are at the ages of 8 and 12 and currently homeschool.
I have 4 head of horses; good using geldings. Also 4 good stock dogs, but know when to leave them home.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job