Position Wanted: Seeking Camp Cook Job at Hunting, Ranches, Backcountry Camps ~ Willing to Relocate: MT, ID, WY, AK

Filled / Expired

Angela G.

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Willing to Relocate: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska
Job Type
Full Time or Seasonal
Depending on job. Pay should be in the experienced range.
Date Posted
May 4, 2024
Housing Needed
10+ yrs

I am looking for a camp cook position. I have 30 years of experience in camps from Southeast Alaska to the Arctic in hunting, mining, and Arctic camps.

I owned and operated a hunting camp in the nineties and early two-thousands. I enjoy the outdoors and would like to work in a back-country type of camp.

I no longer guide hunts but I can cook for them, and thoroughly enjoy them, or a ranch type.

If you are interested, please feel free email me with any questions.


Reach out via email at your convenience.

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