GreenTree Farm
Caretaker needed at Family Farm Sanger, Texas – job duties would span roughly 16 hours a week.
Salary: TBD
Housing Offered? Yes and Required
Experience: 5-10 yrs (5 references required)
Dallas family searching for a caretaker (ideally a couple with no children) for their recreational farm in Sanger, Texas. Caretaker would be expected to live on the property and oversee maintenance responsibilities for 185 acre family farm. Position is part-time.
Caretaker is expected to evidence a track-record as a trusted self starter, that can trouble shoot problems without need of hands-on oversight by owners.
Overall Responsibilities
- Responsibilities would not be full time (expect 2 days) allowing caretaker to manage other properties or work in the Denton County area on a part time basis.
- However, no other businesses are allowed to be run on the property by tenant
- Main House and Party Pavilion
- Maintenance and upkeep
- Walk through both structures after guests leave (Sunday nights for example) to make sure lights out, any plumbing or appliance issues identified and addressed, HVAC adjusted, removal of garbage, doors & windows shut and locked, screen doors latched, gates latched
- Small repairs as necessary
- Ability to “weather proof” main house as needed for Freeze Protection: Heat in home, cover pipes, heat lamp on at water pump, etc.
- Maintain the firewood at main house in fall/winter, hose off pavilion & screen porch weekly
- Assist in setting up for personal events: set up and take down tables
- Have basic skill set for minor repairs as needed around the house & pavilion
- Lawns mowed & edged as needed around barn, pavilion, main house, garden, caretaker house
- Caretaker to assist in the seasonal planting and maintaining of the vegetable garden
- Assist in weeding and seasonal color is front beds (plantings, mulch provided) at Main house
- Fertilize grass around all structures seasonally
Barn, Farm Land and Equipment
- Maintenance Barn and various ranch equipment.
- Property maintenance including tree trimming, light landscape, fence repair
- Pasture work including mowing, maintaining, applying herbicides, fertilizing, and overall upkeep
- Maintain the gravel roads (minor repairs): fill in pot holes, add gravel where needed)
- Skill set to work with Tractor, Mower, chain saw (keep any machinery in working order)
- Mow front and back pastures as needed
- Clear brush and weeds around the creek bed routinely.
- Spray for poison ivy, particularly around each side of the bridge
- Clear and haul off downed trees and large branches around the property
- Basic knowledge of livestock (cattle, chickens) to assist the owners as needed, for feeding, moving cattle to various pastures, cleaning hen house, medication
- Paint and maintain all pipe fence & gates on the property
Provide security and oversight
- Make sure front gate is closed at all times
- Make sure that ALL guests arriving at the farm are greeted by Caretaker (when possible)…CHECK IN to see if he can be of any help (good way to monitor WHO is arriving on property and also develop a relationship with family members)
- Routine tour of all the fence border around the farm, to check for needed repair of fence maintenance and openings that have occurred
- Caretaker should have the name and contact info of local authorities (police & fire) as well as local service contacts for HVAC, electrician, plumber, well service, sprinkler (Provided by Owners).
- As partial compensation caretaker will be provided a wonderful new house (3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms) to live in on the property.
- This is separate from the main house providing privacy for the caretaker.
- Utilities and WiFi will be the responsibility of the caretaker.
- Guest policies to be discussed
- Additional compensation TBD
Forward bio & resume to our email address.
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All Ranch Jobs, Family Ranch Jobs, Groundskeeping Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Private Ranch Jobs, Ranch Caretaker Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs for Couples / Teams, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Mechanic Jobs, Ranch Supervisor Jobs, Wedding / Event Ranch Jobs